Take the Pledge; Follow the Standards.
What’s the current problem WPA seeks to address?
Wildlife is negatively impacted, directly or indirectly, by human interaction
Influencers/organizations are promoting dangerous animal interactions
Influencers/organizations claiming they are engaging in conservation of wildlife have dubious claims to the efficacy of their engagement in leading to conservation outcomes.
Additionally they may be endangering the animals or themselves - serving as a bad example for general public interaction with wildlife
Examples of problematic behavior:
Selfies in close proximity to animals
Petting wildlife/making unnecessary human contact (i.e. Riding/touching sharks, kissing dangerous animals like lions & tigers, cuddling with animals that have been domesticated in zoo settings)
Feeding wildlife
Using wildlife for entertainment purposes/to enhance engagement even when it’s not in the best interest of the animal
What are the Wildlife Welfare Standards that WPA has developed for safe wildlife interactions?
Encountering Animals In the Wild
Guiding Principle is RESPECT THE WILDLIFE (respect and love for animals usually means restraint/observation rather than engagement)
Do not touch the wildlife unless you are:
Conducting scientific research
Rescuing/Rehabilitating/Releasing the animal and are acting under governmental authority
Removing fishing gear from the animal and are acting under governmental authority
All above activities should be done with appropriate permits
If you are conducting one of the above approved activities and you are sharing it on some media - always provide a disclaimer in your caption that explains what you are doing, why, and contains a “don’t try this at home” type message
Examples of prohibited behavior:
Riding wild animals
Petting wild animals
Kissing wild animals
Harming wild animals
Capturing wild animals for photo opps
Manipulating animals into specific positions for photo opps
Feeding wild animals
Using food to manipulate animal behavior
Further Recommendations:
Educate yourself on the appropriate regulations that surround the species of animals that you’re interacting with
If you see a distressed animal - do not intervene unless qualified, call the appropriate authorities
Engagement with Animals in Captivity
If you’re an animal organization working with wild animals ex situ or in a captive environment and are interested in WPA’s certification process, please Contact Us for further information.
The Wildlife Protection Alliance Commitment
I pledge to support conservation and protection of wildlife and to educate others about the Wildlife Welfare Standards in the following manner:
No shaming/name-calling/ directly naming people doing the wrong thing
Use examples of behaviors instead of of specific individuals or entities
Use situations as an opportunity to educate not shame
Commit to share other WPA members posts who are doing it right and not those who are violating the standards
Raise the bar yourself and elevate others to do the same